You never know what’s gonna happen. Period.
Growing up in Alaska, where the weather can change without warning, where you can get hypothermia in the summer, where you can take a wrong turn in the woods and be lost for days, I have learned the importance of being prepared. I’ve gone hiking a lot this summer, and each time I start out I debate which layers of clothing should accompany me and which I should leave in the car. I usually end up bringing everything just in case. Then I start up the mountain, am sweating in about 5 minutes and after a few hours of hiking still as warm as can be, wondering why on earth I decided to bring a long sleeve shirt, pull-over, fleece, rain jacket, hat, and gloves. Then I get to the top, am surrounded by clouds, wet, at 5000-6000 feet elevation, and shivering wearing every article of clothing I have. Every single time. I am not prepared. I am prepared for the expected, and if something were to happen that would necessitate spending the night out there… it would be a very long night indeed.
The bottom line is that you cannot be prepared for everything. You can carry as much with you backpacking as you can so that if something were to happen you would be as comfortable as possible, you can save all your money instead of spend it so that if the economy collapses or some other unforeseen expense comes up you can handle it, you can wear your seat belt and drive the speed limit and still be in a car crash, you can have all your ducks in a row and still a tidal wave can come through and smash everything to pieces. You never know what’s gonna happen.