
"And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight to help you determine what is best, so that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless, having produced the harvest of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God." -- Philippians 1:9-11


So I had this awesome idea of an “Awesome Sandwich.”  Basically it’s like a compliment sandwich, but with awesome things.  So you take your day, or week, or year, or whatever, and make a list of all the Awesome things that happened during that time frame.  Then you list the same number of Notsome things, and then top the sandwich off with one more list of Awesome.  I thought of this as I wrote a letter to my dear friend Benjamin, and then thought that it would be a great idea for a weekly blog post.  I decided that Sunday would be the best day for this, because I generally don’t have that much going on and am always looking for a way to procrastinate my homework and extend my weekend just a tad bit longer.  Naturally I would call this post “Awesome Sandwich Sunday” and since that’s too long to say, I would make it into an acronym… Well needless to say that wouldn’t work, so then my friend suggested that I call it SUPER Awesome Sandwich Sunday, and thus SASS was born. 

My plan was to start this weekly post in January 2012.  After I missed the first couple Sundays, I realized I should get on this whole “weekly post” thing, or otherwise it’s not a “weekly post.”  Since then I’ve decided that if I were to have a weekly post, I should post more often then that once a week, and lets face it, that probably won’t happen.  So I’ll still have SASS, and it will occur on some Sunday at some point in each month.  Here is the first installment of SASS.  For SASS from other months, please refer to the Blog Archive located on the righthand side of the screen*.

Awesome Things:
1) I went skiing the last two weekends.
2) I don’t have very much homework.
3) I’m watching the Chuck Series Finale (and it’s awesome).

Notsome Things:
1) I’m watching the Chuck Series Finale (and it’s the last Chuck).
2) My Achilles’ tendon hurts.
3) There’s no snow in Boston.

Awesome Things:
1) I’m training for a marathon.
2) I have the best roommate in the world.
3) I know seven people who were born this week.

The End!

*That totally made me feel like an airline stewardess