“I tell you, if these
were silent, the stones would shout out.”
Luke 19:40
Ok time to finish up the recount of field trip number 2 so
that I can move on to more recent adventures. And since I am currently in a procrastination mood and
relatively on top of my work, I am choosing to blog. It is a blustery morning, a little misty, unusual for a
morning in the cloud forest, but if I close my eyes and lift my face to the sun
I can almost pretend like it is fall and that I am actually closer to home than
the equator.
Anyway, the final week of our field trip we spent in Bocas
del Toro, Panama. This is a very
popular snorkeling site, and also a great place to just hang out on the
beach! The water was so incredibly
warm and clear, and class consisted of beach walks and snorkeling expeditions
at 5 or 6 different reefs. Here
are some pictures of the adventure!
Directions are always a good thing |
The beach! |
This picture reminds me of fall,
though the scorching sun did not! |
Carludovica palmata |
The above plant is in the Cyclanthaceae family. Look familiar to anyone? The new shoots (in the foreground of
the picture) are the “palms” used around the world for Palm Sunday! It’s a little funny because this is not
actually a palm (palms are in the Arecaceae family), but I still thought it was
really cool to see this plant in the wild after all those years of waving it in
After our typical species walk we all got on a boat and took
to the sea to observe a bird rookery.
We found lots of tropical birds!
But I was fooling myself to think that I could look through binoculars
on a boat in the ocean and not get sick…
I resolved to just look with my eyes, and we were still close enough
that I don’t think I missed too much.
Brown Pelican |
Brown Booby with a chick |
Magnificent Frigatebird |
Red-billed Tropicbird |
Me and Sarah on the boat! |
The following day was Marine Diversity Day and consisted of
snorkeling pretty much the whole day.
This was our one cloudy/rainy day, which made some of the boat rides a
little chilly, but probably saved us all a bit of sunburn. My favorite part of snorkeling was
finding five squid! They are very
social animals, and I chased them around for a good ten minutes. They could cue off one another, and
moved in a line or strange formation almost all the time. Here are some cool pictures I was able
to get with my underwater camera!
Echinoderm |
Jellyfish! |
Sea cucumber |
Rhizophera mangle above the water |
Rhizophera mangle below the water |
Ctenophore (they change colors!) |
The boat |
Giant sea urchin |
Coral! |