
"And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight to help you determine what is best, so that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless, having produced the harvest of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God." -- Philippians 1:9-11

Monday, August 9, 2010

Point Pursuit

So, now that I have a blog, I find myself randomly thinking of what to put in it.... I mean, think of all the possibilities!   It's like a scholarly version of facebook! Only better!

Once again, a reason for never creating a blog in the first place, I find (let me clarify.... FOUND) them boring/dull/a waste of time.  Why would I want to sit and read the thoughts/opinions/whatnot of other people.... Where is the fun in this??  However NOW.... after creating my own blog, I have changed my mind.  I don't really care if anyone reads this or not, I'm just having fun writing/thinking about it!  My only previous knowledge of blogging comes from the movie Julie & Julia.   Or whatever it was called (if you've seen it you know what I'm talking about).  And while in that scenario there was a point, a plot, a goal..... Here there is not, other than to fill the needs of my incessant rambling mind and cure the case of rainy day blues (which there has been a lot of around here....)  So Valerie, i thank ye.

Anyway....I have decided that I must find an angle.  Because simply Emily commentating on the life of Valerie doesn't really count as having your own blog.  That would necessitate the title of this blog to be "ECOTLOV"  similar to  "AFTLOV" (which some of you may of heard of... namely, the only two people who are probably reading this) but with a spin of me involved.  Instead this blog is titled "To infinity.... and beyond"  for a number of reasons.
1) It's a quote, and quotes are good.
2) It's a Buzz Lightyear quote, which makes it even better (who doesn't love Toystory!?)
3) My dad's a math teacher.... so it seemed fitting.
4) Beyond infinity implies that there is something after infinity. (Which (as point 3 would tell you) is false (Infinity plus 1? Infinity.  Infinity plus infinity?  Infinity.  Infinity times Infinity? Infinity.  Inifinity divided by infinity?  Uhh... oh boy we have a problem.  Jesse!?  Help!)) Therefore anything is possible.  Which a) leaves this blog open to what ever I feel like and b) relieves me of the responsibility of naming this blog with a purpose.  So everyone (that being both sides of Emily) is happy.
5) Umm... It's cool!

Another point I have noticed.  Footnotes are sweet.  Valerie, you already have discovered this I know, but poor Emily is lagging a little behind.  In re-reading what I have written, footnotes would have been a way better solution to my random thought interjections than the parentheses I chose to employ. (they just get too confusing when you have as many comments on your own thoughts as I do (See reason 4 (or now)))

So I suppose that's all for now, as the world keeps on turning I'll pursue my attempt at finding a point (that is assuming it comes before 2012*) bon soir!

*not actually, I don't really believe all that, but I thought it was a good comment**

**first footnote success!***

***i like footnotes :)


  1. Footnotes* are amazing! And I love that you are utilizing. What is ECOTLOV? OH MY GOSH I JUST GOT IT! Sorry, its almost 3 in the am, so I too, am lagging a bit behind. But I enjoy reading your thoughts and ramblings even if they don't have a point. I also enjoy sleep, though, so I think I'm going to bed now.


    *Although I am not sure where your second footnote was attached to in the body of the letter.

  2. I love AFTLOV's! And I love that you footnoted your footnote.
