
"And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight to help you determine what is best, so that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless, having produced the harvest of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God." -- Philippians 1:9-11

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

10 Things To Do Before I Turn 30*

1) Learn how to play the guitar.  I put this first, because I actually want to learn how to do this now.  Like right now.  The only problem is I don’t have a guitar… So I may have to wait till Christmas Break when I go home.  Or make a friend who has a guitar.  I should get on that.  But basically my reasons behind this a) I think people who play the guitar are awesome and I want to be like them b) I can play lots of other instruments like the oboe, flute, piccolo, and sax, but you don’t really play those in a group, and I want to be able to play with people and sing along, and c) I like to sing, and singing with a guitar is just so much better.  And while the uke is awesome... that's kind of Valerie's thing, and being able to play "Accidentally in Love" doesn't count as actually knowing how to play.  Plus, there is a picture of me on my wall right now of me pulling an air guitar at the good old age of 2.  It was meant to be.

2) Run a marathon.  I want to do this pretty soon also, maybe in the next year or two.  I have to build up the strength in my knee first though because of my surgery this summer, but once that’s good to go I’ll be training for the 26.2 miler.  Though I’m living in Boston, I don’t think the Boston marathon will be my first.  Instead I have my sights set on the “Land of the Midnight Sun Run” in Fairbanks, Alaska on June 21st.

3) Hike the Appalachian Trail.  This has been a goal of mine ever since summer after junior year of high school when I went camping in Vermont for 3 weeks as a part of a conservation crew.  We hiked Mt. Moosilauke, one of the highest peaks on the AT, and I decided then and there that one year hopefully soon you’ll find me in Georgia starting out on my long trek to Maine.

4) Backpack around Europe.  This I think is just about every college student’s dream.  And being marooned** in Alaska for the last 19 years of my life I think has enhanced my yearnings to see the world.  There is so much of the world that my naïve eye has yet to see, and as soon as that chance comes you can bet I’m going to jump.

5) Work in a research lab.  This I’ve wanted to do since the moment I was born.  Ok, not really, but pretty much as soon as I knew what science was.  Now I am at a place where that dream could become a reality very soon; either through CO-OP, an internship, undergraduate (if I’m lucky enough), or graduate school.  One way or another this WILL happen.

6) Graduate from college.  I don’t really have any worries about this as of now, but I figured it would be a good thing to have on the list.

7) Be a youth group leader.  I truly admire the youth group leaders that I have had in the past, and I would love to return the favor as a mentor to other youth as they progress through their middle school and high school years.  And a side note, playing the guitar would contribute nicely to this as well.

8) Learn how to do a handstand. Why not!? (And I’m running out of ideas at the moment….)

9) Volunteer a year of my life.  If I can’t give up a whole year at one time, then volunteer the equivalent by the time I turn 30.  Working 40 hours a week that equates to about 2000 volunteer hours.

10) Enjoy life – Laugh often – Smile for the heck of it – Love God – Make friends – Simply live – Hold my head high – And be myself.  Yupp, I’m set.

*I would call this my bucket list, but I hope to live beyond the age of 30.

**Ok, not really marooned.  I’ve traveled a fair amount, but only in the US.  The Yukon Territory and British Colombia do no count.


  1. I LOVE THIS LIST, EMILY! And I want to do pretty much everything on there too...but I'm gonna give myself until I die, I think.

  2. EMILY! This is a super duper list! And I totally bet you can do alll of them.
    Can I cheer you on in your marathon, please? you are SO intense :)
