Because it is the last real week of classes, and I don’t have any real work other than getting ready for finals, and I’m not too tired right now, I’m going to write about something that has been on my list of things to write about* for quite some time.
I thought to give this post some structure I would start by defining balance. So according to the online free Merriam-Webster dictionary, balance is defined as the following:
1) An instrument for weighing – reminds me of Mr. Knopp’s 7th grade science class!
2) A counterbalancing weight, force, or influence – ok…
3) An oscillating wheel operating with a hairspring to regulate the movement of a timepiece – who knew!
4) Equality between the totals of the two sides of an account – getting closer to the main idea here
5) An aesthetically pleasing integration of elements – I like this definition!
6) The juxtaposition in writing of syntactically parallel constructions containing similar or contrasting ideas – thank you Mr. Richards
7) Physical equilibrium – yuck, equilibrium**
8) Mental or emotional steadiness – resulting from balance in life!
My definition of balance is proportions of opposing influences in appropriate magnitudes. The weight of each influence is different in all scenarios and different for all people. The result of a balanced life is mental, physical, and emotional steadiness, or health; grace.
It seems like I’m always reading or hearing something about achieving “balance.” Everyone says you want, need, gotta have it, but there is no manual on how this is accomplished. Well honestly I don’t have any answers either, so if that’s what you’re looking for then stop reading now and go look for something else.
There are so many different ways to be balanced; it is darn near impossible to obtain them all. Work and play, eating right and splurging a little, socializing and solitude, exercise and relaxation, service and taking time for myself… the list goes on and on. For the most part I go through life ignoring the sighs of imbalance and placing the side effects associated with them on other aspects of life. I didn’t get enough sleep last night, I’m sick, it’ll slow down in a little while I just need to finish these couple weeks… I constantly make excuses instead of recognizing and attempting to mend the real problem.
“Balance is about keeping the right pace in life – not moving so fast that you miss God’s call, but not moving so slow that you miss the opportunities God sends you. Balance helps you realize that not every opportunity is the call of God. It leaves you open to divine moments and motivates you to act on them.” ~Divine Moments
Here I’d like to insert a little anecdote. I don’t remember the majority of the story, so I’ll give you the condensed version.
A family was walking down a beach, the little boy splashing through the water collecting shells of every shape and size, when the family came across a starfish floating in the surf. “Go get it!” the parents told the boy. So he ran out into the water and stood there for a few seconds before running back to his parents. “What’s wrong!?” they asked, “Go get the starfish!” So out he ran again, and again paused before running back up the beach. “Don’t be afraid just go pick it up!” his parents said. And he ran out a third time, paused, and yelled back “I would but my hands are full of shells!”
The shells of life got in the way of collecting the true prize. A balance must be attained, so that when God places a starfish in front of me, I can pick it up.
What are the shells that keep you from grabbing your starfish? And more importantly, what would it take to drop them?
In other news, I got a plant today. Well I planted some seeds today more like it, so I actually got a pot full of wet dirt. But hopefully in a week or so it’ll be the buds of a spearmint plant!
*Yes this list does exist. I also have a list of movies to watch, books to read, homework to do, things to do this summer, and people to email.
**After chemistry this year, I hate equilibrium. Especially in concentration cells, in solubility, in chemical reactions, in acid-base titrations, and in pretty much anything else I did this semester. Also, we’ve done a week of orgo, and I already hate it… Next year is not going to be fun… But another side note, on the biology side: life is constantly working to obtain equilibrium. Our bodies are fighting non-stop to reach the balance point (no pun intended) where all life processes come to a stand still at equilibrium, and work is no longer being done. Unfortunately, this means you are dead. So in short, are bodies are trying to die from the moment life is created.
Love you Emily! I like the shell true. So true.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I commented back to your comment on my blog and you should look at it because I'm too lazy to repost it :)
HI! I like this. You're very pensive. And you are very eloquent. And also, you're very balanced. Have a great 12 days 15 hours 52 minutes and 24 seconds until you go home!