As per Valerie’s request*:
Four months only will fly by fast
I must act now these times won’t last
So here’s my list of things to do
Adventures of both old and new
First hike the Resurrection Trail
No matter wind, sleet, rain, or hail
Bird Creek Ridge and Crow Creek Pass
Before I must head back to class
Matanuska and Pioneer
And Lazy too, just for good cheer
And then of course Twin Peaks as well
For twice the fun as time will tell
A marathon does make the list
A simple race but with a twist
3:40 I must finish under
To run the Boston come next summer
I’ll sew a quilt before September
To stitch down memories and remember
Good times I’ve had and times I’ve shared
With family and friends who cared
Another feat to finish strong
To join in fellowship and song
Learn the guitar to play and sing
And worship Christ, our Lord and King
At Birchwood Camp I’ll volunteer
To be a counselor for campers there
As I once camped and found the Lord
I’ll return this time to lead others forward
So there’s my summer, at least the gist
To friends away, you will be missed
Please come and join me in the fun
It’s open now to everyone
*Ironically, I never rhymed peak or creek
Even besides the fact that you actually take my suggestions seriously (And can I say AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for doing so) this is an outstanding poem. And I may actually be able to do some of it with you! Hurrah!