
"And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight to help you determine what is best, so that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless, having produced the harvest of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God." -- Philippians 1:9-11

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Running Mentality

Running is a way of life.  I don’t consider myself a serious runner and I can tell you that.  I love running.  I love the freedom, I love the energy, I love the peacefulness, and yes I love the endorphins.  But running is so much more than long runs and splits and sweat.  Running is a mindset.

I began running the summer after my freshmen year of high school.  I was going out for the cross-country team in the fall, and decided to train by running 300 miles that summer (that and I wanted a sweet sweatshirt*).  Since then I’ve pretty much continued running year round, with periodic breaks of other sports and recovering from injuries. 

Running is a huge part of my life, both on and off the track.  When I wake up in the morning of a long run training day, I wake up ready.  I’m excited, anticipating the run, and looking forward to it (most of the time).  Since my initial 300 jump into running, I’ve known that the hardest part of the run is the driveway.  The hardest part is lacing up my sneakers and walking outside.  After that it’s easy.  After that it’s one foot in front of the other, simple and pure.  The driveway can be pretty hard though.  It requires motivated, focused, deliberate actions to get out of bed and work.  So why do I do it?

Because, “You never regret a run.”

I know before I even start that I am going to have a great time, I am going to have fun.  You can’t** run a marathon starting out with the mentality that the next 26.2 miles are going to suck.  You approach the starting line ready, ready to run, ready to hurt yes, but ready to DO IT.  And you know you can do it, even if you’ve never run that far before, because you have the miles, and more importantly you have the heart. 

Similarly, you can’t*** go through life with the mentality that the future (whether near or far) is going to suck.  You wake up ready for the day, ready for whatever joys or sorrows life throws at you.  And you know that you can do it, even if you never have before, because you have the heart.

Believe in yourself.  You must do that which you think you cannot.”
~Eleanor Roosevelt

If running has taught me nothing else it is this.  I can do it.  It’s not easy, but it’s possible, whatever “it” is.  And tomorrow, “it” is a marathon.

* 300 Sweatshirt!

** Maybe you can, but it wouldn’t be much fun.
*** Once again maybe you can, but it won’t be fun at all.

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