
"And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight to help you determine what is best, so that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless, having produced the harvest of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God." -- Philippians 1:9-11

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Organic Chemistry

So, most of the time I have something I should be doing, like now.  But I don’t really want to read 3 chapters of my finance textbook so I’m blogging instead.  I’m taking Organic Chemistry this year, which is fine.  It’s kind of hard (so I hear) but its implications are very far reaching.  For instance on my first day I learned that sucralose (the primary ingredient in Splenda) is simply chlorinated sucrose.  All they did was remove 3 O-H groups and plop on three chlorines and poof your body can’t do anything with it and it passes right through, therefore a zero calorie sweetener.  Pretty sweet right*!?  I also learned that chocolate is basically theobromine.  So theoretically they could do something similar to that as they did with sucrose and you’d have a zero calorie chocolate.  Today in lab we extracted caffeine from tea.  Ok, enough food examples.  Basically though organic chemistry is everywhere, it is the chemistry of life, and as a biologist I think that’s pretty cool.

I guess I should talk about the initial reason of this post.  I have tinker-toys! For nerds…  I have an organic chemistry model kit that basically allows me to build structures so I can see them in 3D and understand what’s drawn on the paper.  Yesterday I made benzene, cyclohexane, and butane, because I was confused as to what I was actually supposed to construct.

Here's what some structures look like

Here's what my face looks like when I'm thinking about it

And of course I have to wear my chemistry goggles when dealing with these highly dangerous compounds, I left out the lab coat as I figured my Science Club for Girls shirt confirmed with great authority just how much of a dork I am.

*I take full responsibility for that very stupid joke.


  1. OH MY GOSH FACEBOOK PROFILE PIC MUCH?!?!?!?! I love this. I love scientists, and increasingly I may even begin to be loving science! But mostly, I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUU

  2. HI EMILY. I just realized that I haven't read your blog in awhile so now, starting here, I am stalking your life. That's all. LOVE YOU!
