
"And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight to help you determine what is best, so that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless, having produced the harvest of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God." -- Philippians 1:9-11

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween SASS

Awesome Things:
1) I missed three days (and counting) of work this week due to hurricane Sandy
2) Running with friends
3) Roasting pumpkins
4) Bible study
5) Parmesan rosemary bread, and other homemade breads

Notsome Things:
1) Hurricane Sandy left a bunch of people without power, and I think I need to go back to work
2) Super drunk people
3) I’m late again on my SASS post
4) I hardly blog at all anymore
5) Attendance at church is rather low

Awesome Things:
1) Letters
2) Sea shells and the ocean
4) Apple crisp, and all of the other delicious creations people bake in my apartment
5) Church bells

Monday, October 8, 2012

Summer was fun

So I realize I have kind of been a slacker when it comes to blogging…  And I have had this pile of things on my desk that I want to blog about…  And today I was cleaning my desk…  So I’m blogging about all of these things in order to finish cleaning my room (and to procrastinate said cleaning).

Also, I was looking through my posts from last year and really appreciated them.  I’m a pretty funny kid sometimes.  And it made me want to blog.

Here’s a picture collage of fun things that I have done in the last three months of summer and me making goofy faces!

They had “Shakespeare on the Commons” and were performing this play every night for free.  My roommate and I went one night, but we were really tired and kind of confused as to what was going on, so we left at intermission with the intention of coming back another night to watch the rest… That never happened.

I went to a Cirque du Soleil show, which was super cool!

I visited Kelly and Meghan in New York!!!  Talk about a fun weekend.  We biked all around Central Park, explored Chinatown, and hung out in Times Square, AND…

…Visited the American Museum of Natural History!

After living in Boston for two full years… I finally walked the Freedom Trail.  This was a very good day 

This summer I was all into taking advantage of all the free things to do in Boston.  One of those things was free access to select museums each Friday.  I went to the Institute of Contemporary Art one day, and decided that I don’t have a very developed appreciation for art.  I am however open to learning and hope to visit the Museum of Fine Arts one day soon!  (It’s kind of pathetic that I haven’t been there yet… It’s right across the street from Northeastern and free.)

For my 21st birthday I went to a Hillsong Concert with some of my friends, totally awesome!!

I’ve done other cool things too, but don’t have embarrassing pictures for those activities, so you’ll have to wait for another opportunity to hear about those.  Maybe (fingers crossed) this can be my kick-off back into semi-regular blogging. 

Have a great night everyone!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

September SASS

Wow, September went by and I didn’t even get my SASS say in!  Ok Emily, you really need to step it up a bit.

Awesome Things:
1) Holding a warm cup of tea
2) Bible study
3) Surprise letters from friends
4) Oh yeah, birthdays! I GOT A NEW GUITAR!!! And I love it :)
5) Trapeze class and Tango by Moonlight and Salsa Dancing*

Notsome Things:
1) Forgetting to blog
2) Being homesick
3) Waking up at 5:30 every day
4) I’m maybe a tad too busy
5) I still haven’t gotten around to hanging up pictures on the wall

Awesome Things:
1) Hillsong concert!
2) Church and blueberry pancakes (these go together now)
3) NU Science Club for Girls now serves 60 girls!
4) My brother started college
5) LECM retreat – prayers for direction and growth

*These actually happened in August, but it was after the last Sunday in August so didn’t make the SASS list because I was actually on time last month, so I’m including them in this post because (I think you will agree with me) they are awesome.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


So these SASS posts can be used for a number of things.  They originated primarily as a way for me to share the little happy (and not so happy) parts of life, but I can also use them to summarize my month without actually having to write about everything.  So here’s some combination of the two…

Awesome Things:
1) Flowers
2) How easy it is to make someone smile
3) Twilight runs along the esplanade
4) All the free things to do in Boston
5) Asking hard questions, even if there is no answer

Notsome Things:
1) 40 hour work weeks
2) Traffic
3) Humidity
4) My fish died :(
5) Feeling out of place

Awesome Things:
1) Chocolate chip cookies and homemade bread and fresh pesto (food in general)
2) The beach!
3) Cliff diving championships off the roof of the ICA
4) Awesome friends to talk with
5) God is bigger than us and knows all that we never will

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Camp is a Lifestyle

I spent five weeks of my precious summer in Alaska working at Birchwood camp.  I’ve wanted to write about my time there since day 1.  However here I am, two full months later, just now sitting down to try to reflect on my experience.  I can attempt to justify my delay due to moving across the country, starting a new job, and remembering how to live in the city again, but truthfully* I haven’t written because I’m afraid to.  I’m afraid I won’t be able to correctly remember adventures or conversations, I’m afraid I won’t accurately depict the intimate faith-full community of Birchwood, I’m afraid I won’t do God justice in describing just how meaningful this summer was to me, I’m afraid I won’t remember all the lessons I learned and just how valuable they are, and maybe I’m even a little bit afraid of what those lessons learned mean for me and the rest of my life.

I know that I cannot perfectly do those things I am afraid of, but I know that I need to try.  So here it is, five weeks of my life condensed into five short pages on a screen.  And I pray that as I begin to write, God gives me the words I need to glorify Him in my recollection of Birchwood 2012.

“But God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.”  
~ 2 Timothy 1:7

Sunday afternoon of May 28th my mom dropped me off at camp, a flashback to my childhood.  This time however, instead of a shy camper cautious about the upcoming week, I am counselor ready to make the camp experience special for the kids that come throughout the summer.  I’ve never really bought the whole “God-calling” thing; never really felt that God was leading me to do something.  I did believe that God had a plan for my life, and will lead me where I need to go, but the practical application of that was always my decision that God already knew, not God telling me how to live my life.  This summer at Birchwood was different.

I volunteered last summer as a counselor at Birchwood for two weeks, and those two weeks were a couple of the hardest weeks of my life.  Why then did I decide to dedicate over half of my summer at home to a service that I knew would be painful, tiring, and overwhelming?  I don’t know, but just perhaps, it was God calling.  I went to camp to serve others, to have fun with the campers, to develop friendships with the counselors, to delve deeper into my faith, to learn more about being a Christian… and I came home with so much more.

Living in a Christian community is a very special thing.  There is something about brothers and sisters in Christ that allows for a connection on a deeper level, and that is something I’ve noticed not just at camp but also in high school and in Boston.  It’s the relationships you develop that make life enjoyable, and now I believe that so much more.  Getting to know the team at Birchwood and witnessing how they love each other, the campers, and random people they meet in a gas station has opened my eyes to understanding what it means to live a life as a Christian. 

Little children, let us love not in word or speech, but in truth and action.”
~ 1 John 3:18
I really like that you only have to change one letter to turn live into love.  Believe it or not, loving others has always been difficult for me.  Why can’t I tell my friends that I love them?  Why do I awkwardly fake a hug**?  Why am I so scared to make known my feelings?  These rhetorical questions probably recognize my insecurity in myself.  However this summer I learned that loving others isn’t about me.  Who would have thought!?  That seems like a pretty basic component of love, but somehow I had been missing that.  Loving others isn’t something special you do because of an occasion; it isn’t something reserved for only certain people.  We’ve all heard the famous 1 Corinthians 13 love is patient, love is kind, etc… passage, and basically what it comes down to is that loving isn’t something you should do every once and awhile, it is how your should live your life.  The monumental importance of love resonates with me in verse 2 “…and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing…” Is there anything more great than faith that can be compared to love to demonstrate just how important love is?  No.  And this is how perfectly God loves us, and why I should love God and all people with all my heart, mind, and soul.

We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.
~ Romans 8:28
As I’ve written in previous posts, Birchwood wasn’t in my radar for this summer.  My summer at camp is a testimony to how God works in ways that we can’t even imagine.  The bottom line is God is in control.  All the time.  I like to try to plan out my life, but at this point I’m ready to sit back and see where God takes me, living (and loving) in peace knowing that I will never be forgotten.  Even when I’m in Boston (and don’t want to be) God still lets me know He is here, in small ways – a warm sun and flowers, the smiling face of a friend, a twilight run along the esplanade…  Decisions become so much less stressful when I recognize that God already knows what I will choose and what will become of it.  This is not an excuse to sit back idly and wait for God to do something with me.  Quite the contrary actually.  This is an excuse to run hard after Christ, serving and praising God in all things, knowing that He will give me the strength to accomplish whatever it is that is on my heart.

Three times I appealed to the Lord about this, that it would leave me, but he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.’  So I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.  Therefore I am content with weakness, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities for the sake of Christ; for whenever I am weak, then I am strong.”
~2 Corinthians 12:8-10
So many times I have heard people ask how there can be a God while there is so much suffering.  I have wondered this, and honestly still don’t understand it***.   We give joy even when we are beaten down and worn out because we know that our needs, fears, worries, desires, sufferings, grieves are so infinitesimally small compared to the goodness and greatness of God.  My grace is sufficient for you.  When do we recognize that most but when we are at our lowest point?  So then as hard as it is to thank God when all you want to do is fall down and cry, that is what we are called to do, and that is how God lifts us to soar on the wings of eagles.  So many times the Bible points us to lower ourselves as servants.  James 4:6 says “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”  It is with humility that we come before God, recognizing the fact that we are not in control, and that we cannot save ourselves, but it is only through Christ, and through Christ we are made perfect in our weakness.

He [Jesus] himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that, free from sins, we might live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.  For you were going astray like sheep, but now you have returned to the shepherd and guardian of your souls.”
~ 1 Peter 2:24-25
This is a topic I have been struggling with more since leaving Birchwood than while I was there.  A camper, in a moment (more like a night) of frustration, yelled at me “You’re a sinner!****”  I replied that yes, I was, and I am still.  I sin.  I sin when I know I should not.  I deliberately disobey the commandments God has given me and turn to worldly pleasures instead.  And why?  What good is there to become of it?  Nothing.  And yet, God still loves me.  And that is the grace that is freely given that I don’t deserve.  That is where Jesus stepped in, and died on a cross so that even though I am not and cannot be worthy of God’s gracious love, I am saved anyway.  Is there no greater love than this?  If there is one thing I took away from camp this summer regarding living life as a Christian it is to love humbly.  I am nothing before God.  I guess that verse from Micah 6 is finally starting to translate its way from an idea in my head to a passion in my heart.  “He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”  That is it.  God takes care of the rest.

Whoever speaks must do so as one speaking the very words of God; whoever serves must do so with the strength that God supplies, so that God may be glorified in all things through Jesus Christ.”
~ 1 Peter 4:11
I’ve never been very good at talking to people.  Put me in front of a huge crowd and I can give a speech no problem, but sit me down one-on-one and suddenly I am vulnerable.  I’m scared to open up, to trust someone with my personal thoughts.  Even those whom I’ve known for most of my life and are my very best friends only occasionally get glimpses of my inner ponderings.  This summer I recognized just how prevalent this handicap is.  Talking with (or more accurately listening to on my part) someone speak with remarkably confidant, poised truth was both refreshing and convicting for me.  I am reminded of the power of words, and how carefully we must choose them when speaking to others and to God.  Speech is a gift from God, and by my neglect I do not do all I can to glorify Him and love others.

And I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven, wrapped in a cloud, with a rainbow over his head; his face was like the sun, and his legs like pillars of fire.  He held a little scroll open in his hand.  Setting his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land, he gave a great shout, like a lion roaring.  And when he shouted, the seven thunders sounded.  And when the seven thunders had shouted, I was about to write, but I heard a voice from heaven saying, ‘Seal up what the seven thunders have said, and do not write it down.’  Then the angel whom I saw standing on the sea and the land raised his right hand to heaven and swore by him who lives forever and ever, who created heaven and what is in it, the earth and what is in it, and the sea and what is in it: ‘There will be no more delay, but in the days when the seventh angel is to blow his trumpet, the mystery of God will be fulfilled, as he announced to his servants the prophets.’
~Revelation 10:1-7
There is so much that we do not know.  So much that God has planned, that we can’t even begin to dream about.  We try to make sense of this world, of the Bible, of life in general, but all too often we can’t.  Our earthly definitions and explanations of phenomena fall short of the remarkable, wonderful, mystery of God.  And that’s ok.  The peace that passes understanding is one of the most precious gifts from God.  We don’t need to understand, God understands, and that’s all that matters.

Pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances.”
~ 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18
The Bible is our book.  It was given to us for a reason.  It contains the truth and is the word of God.  And there is nothing else for us to do, but fall on our knees giving thanks and praise to the one who created us all.  Faith is no easy task.  There is nothing simple about believing the truth that is Jesus Christ.  So many paths seek to lead us astray, and as Christians God has called us not to follow the easy road that so many find, but instead enter through the narrow gate, where the road is hard but leads to life (Matthew 7:13-14).

“*****Therefore, since we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the sake of the joy that was set before him endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat that the right hand of the throne of God.
~ Hebrews 12:1-2


*truthfully… Truth.  How often growing up was I told to tell the truth?  Is that not an underlying theme of Christianity?  Of morality in general?  It seems like such a simple concept, yet it is one that I have struggled with immensely.  To tell the truth.  The truth to myself, the truth to those I love, the truth to God.  It starts out small, but slowly my lies grow, ensnaring my heart and constricting my speech, until the ugly beast is what I view reality through.  Why is it so hard to speak words that are true?  Instead of hiding in cowardice behind a monster that doesn’t need to exist at all, yet does as I refuse to sever the bonds that tie me down…  Lord, give me the strength to tell the truth.

**hug… I’ve always had a little personal bubble, ok, maybe a big personal bubble.  It makes me feel uncomfortable when people stand too close to me.  This feeling is epitomized in hugging.  Thankfully I’ve had a few friends in the last couple years who have helped me overcome this irrational discomfort by hugging me often, when I’m least expecting it, and though I tended to flinch at first (yes, I would flinch) now I welcome those hugs and occasionally even venture out to give hugs of my own accord.

***But that’s ok, because God is so great that He surpasses my need to understand.

****This actually happened.  She told me I had lied, that I was a liar and a sinner.  I told her I was a sinner, but I didn’t lie about this!  (Which was the truth!) 

*****I recommend reading the preceding text to this passage.  The “therefore” that begins this final instruction is rooted in the previous 40 verses in Hebrews 11 discussing faith and what faith is.  “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen…” Sometimes faith seems too large for me handle.  How can I possibly believe what God wants me to?  I love the passage from 2 Peter 1:3-8.  It breaks faith down into smaller, more humanly manageable parts; building up until the climax of faith is reached.  Our faith is built from love, mutual affection, godliness, endurance, self-control, knowledge, and goodness, and only once all those are in place, do we find the faith that God so graciously leads wants us to have.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


So, here we are again.  The end of the month, and this “monthly post” is the only thing I have to show.  I would like to point out that both routes to becoming a famous blogger in the above picture require blogging, and since I have been seriously lacking in that area, I do not think my fantasy of becoming a famous blogger will emerge anytime in the near future.  Regardless, here is my SASS for the month of July.  We’ll just have to hope that August will prove a more fruitful time in the blogosphere*.

Awesome Things:
1) Birchwood Camp
2) O Brother Where Art Thou
3) Sitting at the top of Pioneer Peak with my best friend after an 8 hour climb in the clouds and snow
4) My mom
5) The Bible

Notsome Things:
1) Leaving Camp…
2) Leaving Friends…
3) Leaving Family…
4) Leaving Alaska…
5) … And missing all that once I actually got to Boston

Awesome Things:
1) God doesn’t leave
2) Friends who change your life
3) A Starry Night
4) The Postal Service
5) God is so great, our sufferings and needs are so infinitesimally small compared to what God can do, and because of that we always have reason to rejoice

* That’s actually a real word!! I just thought I was making it up…

Sunday, June 24, 2012


One of my qualifiers for a monthly post was that it could not be the ONLY post in the month…  But alas, I believe that is what we have here.  Hey, at least I got something up.  The reason for this is because I have been at camp, and while I do have some down time during the day I’d rather spend it running or developing relationships with the Birchwood team.  I have thought about many topics to post about, have a few formulated in my head, and a couple even begun on paper, but none yet worthy of sharing.  Perhaps in July when I’m back in Boston and not trying to pack every second full of memories I’ll take the time to sit down and reflect on the summer and what I learned.  For now though, this will have to do.

Awesome Things:
1) I just spent an amazing four weeks at Birchwood camp and have one more to go before my summer comes to an end
2) New friends whom I have grown closer to than I thought possible in one short month
3) Floating Boating lunch
4) “POOP! POOP!”
5) Living in a Christian community and immersing myself in Christ

Notsome Things:
1) The city cut down two beautiful spruce trees in the front of my yard
2) Both my brother and my dad are leaving this week and I won’t get to see them again till Christmas
3) Mosquitoes
4) Witnessing suffering, and not being able to do anything about it
5) I have to leave Alaska and my friends and family in less than two weeks

Awesome Things:
1) Spiritual renewal
3) Dirt and worms
4) Discipleship
5) My mom

Sunday, May 27, 2012

April showers bring May SASS*

Awesome Things:
1) Flying home!!
2) Family visiting – Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt, and Uncle!
3) Homemade ice cream – Toasted Coconut, Blueberry Cream and Coffee
4) Beautifully warm weather in Fairbanks
5) Seeing Baruch and Linnea and Valerie and Emily and Meghan and Rachel and Courtney and Katherine and all the rest of my wonderful friends
6) Christ First United Methodist Church

Notsome Things:
1) Freezing cold track meets
2) Headaches
3) Tension
4) Too little time in Alaska for friends and family
5) Mosquitoes
6) I cut my finger while dicing potatoes at the Soup Kitchen

Awesome Things:
1) Watching my brother kick butt at said freezing cold track meets
2) My Dad’s cooking
3) Country music
4) Wasilla Girls winning State Track
5) Playing the guitar around a campfire, singing along, and listening to the rain fall softly through the trees
6) CAMP!

*Because this is Alaska… So no flowers till at least mid June.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


A Petition for the Approval of Linnea being able to go to Fairbanks

Submitted by Emily Ripley, Valerie Schleich, and Katherine Parker
                        With the support of Rachel Kennedy
                        On behalf of Linnea Holbrook

            AA (awesomeness and attractiveness) Resolution 2012-05A
                        Approved by the Commission:  5/16/12
                        First reading to Mr. Holbrook:  5/17/12
                        Effective Time Period:  5/21/12 – 5/23/12

WHEREAS over 15 years of acquaintance and camaraderie have formed an unbreakable bond of friendship that is sure to last for eternity,

WHEREAS this bond requires nurture and care to maintain its valuable status,

WHEREAS time spent with friends is the best way to nurture said bond,

WHEREAS due to the hard work of the aforementioned party members pursuing professional development and education including but not limited to doctors, nurses, entrepreneurs, and teachers, time spent with “the gang” has been cut short,

WHEREAS summer is a special time of year reserved for fun and friends, and while work is necessary and important, fun must be taken seriously as well,

WHEREAS summer presents, in its true form, a time to reconnect with old friends and create new memories,

WHEREAS next Monday – Wednesday would be a positively perfect time for that,

WHEREAS Calvin and Hobbes would agree,

WHEREAS there is no charge for Awesomeness or Attractiveness,

WHEREAS Linnea is made of pure Awesome, and is extremely Attractive,

WHEREAS if Linnea were to miss out on the opportunity to go to Fairbanks, the adventure would be seriously lacking in both Awesome and Attractiveness,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Linnea Holbrook be permitted to travel to Fairbanks on May 21st 2012 and return on May 23rd 2012 to enjoy a much needed and deserved vacation with her friends.

Thank you for your consideration,
            Emily Ripley, Valerie Schleich, Katherine Parker, and Rachel Kennedy

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


“Legends say that hummingbirds float free of time, carrying our hopes for love, joy, and celebration.  The hummingbird’s delicate grace reminds us that life is rich, beauty is everywhere, every personal connection has meaning, and that laughter is life’s sweetest creation.”

Happy Dog remains in many of my childhood memories.  Yes, I had a dog named Happy.  I’m not entirely sure where her name originated, but I am sure that she was well loved.  Happy was our Lassie dog.  She returned our love with a furiously wagging tail and wet kiss, and crossed her paws like a proper lady.  This post has little more to do with her than this introduction, and only relates because her name is the focal point of my rambling conscience this evening.

I wonder why some people are just generally happier than others.  Why do some people always seem to be having the time of their life, while others are constantly stuck in despair?  What is it that makes life so much more enjoyable for some, and so much more miserable for others?  Why can certain people, even while in a rut of hopelessness, still find pleasures in everyday life, while others wallow in self-pity even in fortunate situations?

I made a Happy Flow-Chart on my wall some time ago.  A friend came in to my room last week and told me it was flawed.  “Why would anyone choose to not be happy?” he asked me.  I told him it was to indicate that to some extent happiness was a choice, and if you are not happy then you have a decision to try to alter your situation.  He argued that no one would actively make the decision to remain unhappy, thus there was no reason for the entire right side of the chart.*

Well that got me thinking.  Why are some people so unhappy all the time?  Why do I see posts about how miserable life is every time I get on Facebook?  I want to help, I want to help desperately.  I want to bring happiness to my distressed friends.  But it seems like no matter what I do, even if I can bring joy for a moment, it is still just a moment.  No lingering elation to carry through the week.  Just a fleeting glimpse of a smile before it disappears again. 

I like chocolate.  A lot.  I also like Dove and their inspirational quotes on the inside of their chocolate wrappers.  I got one at some point this semester that said, “Happiness is a form of courage.” and while packing up my room came upon it again.  Evidently when I found it the first time I agreed so much as to keep a tiny piece of tin foil.  When I found it the second time I agreed so much as to write an entire post about it.  It must be pretty good advice.

Happiness is a form of courage.  It takes courage to wake up every morning and have a good day.  It takes courage to embrace the situation and smile, even when every part of your body is scared as hell as to what the day may bring.  It is not easy by any means.  For anyone.

I think C.S. Lewis also had some good advice on this topic.  “Affection is responsible for 9/10ths whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives.”

The relationships that we develop through life ultimately are what bring us joy.  I think of all the fun things that I like to do: hiking, running, playing the guitar, etc.  I enjoy all of those activities, and I enjoy them even more when done along side a good friend or family member.  Don’t get me wrong, I treasure my “me” time, and long runs by myself are often the highlight of my day, but there is something special about an experience with someone else.

I think with this comes the advice to not take life too seriously.  It is important to work hard, get a good job, and take care of your responsibilities… But that needs to be balanced with a good amount of fun, and fun with people at that.  Calvin and Hobbes have it right when Calvin is contemplating how to spend the rest of his afternoon.  He says, “In the SHORT term, it would make me happy to go play outside.  In the LONG term, it would make me happier to do well at school and become successful…  But in the VERY long term, I know which will make better memories.”  The strip ends with Calvin and Hobbes sledding off into the distance.  I’m not agreeing with the pretentious 6 year old because I hate school and just want to play Calvinball all day… I think he’s actually on to something.

Happy Dog had it right.  She didn’t worry, she didn’t fear the day.  She woke up ready, full of courage to love, be loved, and have fun. 

Tomorrow, I will wake up like Happy.

*In my opinion, I won that argument

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Waiting.  Waiting.  Waiting.
Waiting for home, but the journey is long.
I cannot escape the concrete jungle fast enough.
And still.

Finally.  I’m moving.
Pulled forward by yearning, yet pushed back by forces determined to keep me tied.
The ground begins to fade as I ascend into the mist.
The colors blur and all is white.

How long?
How long must I remain suspended in this bleak cacophony?
With no direction, no dimension…
I continue to rise.

A trace of gold appears, then is wisped away.
The golden warmth emerges radiantly from above.

Suddenly all is clear.
The sea of rolling white extends to infinity.
And light floods in renewing hope!
But I am still chasing rainbows.

I descend.
Welcomed by the Great One in all her majesty.
Knowing I am home.
Knowing I am loved.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

April SASS

I apologize for the delayed post!

Awesome Things:
2) I’m done with Organic Chemistry forever*
3) New directions with LECM
4) I got a CO-OP working on the Protein and Cell Sciences team at EMD Serono
5) Everybody Loves Science (the final event for Science Club for Girls)

Notsome Things:
1) Finals – this is awesome in the sense that they are now FINISHED, but during that week they were definitely NOT over
2) Saying goodbye to friends
3) Studying inside when it is glorious outside
4) I miss my brother
5) Having to watch friends suffer and not being able to help

Awesome Things:
1) Palm Sunday and Easter
2) We won Frisbee sectionals
3) Seeing old friends and going on fun excursions with them
4) Ring Around the Neck
5) I volunteered over 450 hours this year

*Watch that statement bite me in the butt ten years from now when it becomes my career.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Wonder-Full Joy

“So be truly glad!  There is wonderful joy ahead… You love him even though you have never seen him.  Though you do not see him now, your trust him; and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy.”
~ 1 PETER 1:6, 8

Thank you Lord!  Thank you for this day!  I am here because of you, I am living because of you, and I am free, all because of you.  Thank you Lord for spring, for new life and hope.  Thank you for the sun, for light in the world and joy.  Thank you for friends, for companionship and love.  Thank you Lord!

Spring is a time to be full of wonder, and full of joy.  It is a time to marvel at God’s creation blooming into life right alongside the Resurrection.  It is a time to burst forth in song and praise rejoicing in the light.

I noticed in a Bible study a couple years ago that throughout the Psalms, my Bible differs from others periodically with the use of the word happy instead of blessed.  “Happy are all who take refuge in him” (Psalm 2:11).  “Happy are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the way of the Lord.  Happy are those who keep his decrees, who seek him with their whole heart” (Psalm 119:1-2).  Happy brings on a whole new feeling when used instead of blessed.  Sure I can say that I am Blessed, and I am.  But changing that word out for Happy… and all of a sudden I can relate to it in a whole new way.

I am happy.  I am joyful.  I am full of life! I am blessed. 

I am filled with joy that is full of wonder, how glorious is that!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Unanswered Prayers

Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers.
Remember when you’re talkin’ to the man upstairs,
That just because he doesn’t answer doesn’t mean he don’t care.
Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.
~Garth Brooks

I, like most people here, like to plan out what I’m going to do with my life.  I plan when I’m going to take classes, and when I’m going to be on CO-OP.  I plan what classes I’m going to take, and where I’m going to be on CO-OP.  I plan when I’ll be studying abroad and where I’ll be living when I’m in Boston.  I don’t try to plan after graduation, because frankly I have no idea what I’ll do/where I’ll be, so I’ll just worry about that when the time comes. 

My plan was to take two years of classes at Northeastern and then go on CO-OP back home.  My time spent in Boston in 2011 pretty much consisted of homesick me wishing to be back safely nestled in the valley beneath the towering peaks of the Chugach Range.  I longed for Alaska. 

I had it all worked out.  In January 2012 I began searching for a job in Alaska and came up with three very real possibilities.  One in particular I had in the bag.  I would be working on the Arctic Coastal Plain studying how climate change is affecting the streams and riparian zones and how that in turn was affecting the diets of shorebirds.  Cool right!?  I was so excited.  I would be based at UAF, would take a helicopter to the work sites and stay for two to three weeks, and then would come back to UAF to analyze the data in the lab before heading out again. 

Judging by my past tense, and the title of this blog, I’m sure you’ve figured it out already that this is not going to happen. 

Around the time that my dream of returning to Alaska was coming true, I began to really enjoy my time here.  I began to realize that I was actually going to miss people and events that I wanted to be a part of.  I became fully plugged in to Science Club for Girls and Lutheran Episcopal Campus Ministries and wanted to continue to see the clubs grow next semester.  More importantly, I really wanted to be a part of that growth.  And I was leaving.  Was.

The funding for the UAF job dropped, I didn’t get the REU position at UAA, or the intern position at the Alaska Sea Life Center.  I am staying in Boston.

So I began to apply for jobs here.  My resume was sent out to 15 or so companies and I began the waiting game.  I was called for one interview.  I realized how competitive this position was and how slim my chances were as only a sophomore with absolutely zero experience.  I was so surprised when I was called for a second interview. 

That second interview took place at the facility I would be potentially working at.  It was incredible.  State of the art equipment and a jovial staff made me realize just how much I wanted this job.  It’s real.  Real scientists working in a real lab discovering real treatments for drugs like MS and cancer. 

[Insert shriek of excitement here!!!]

Yesterday I received a phone a call offering me the position.  Today I received the official offer package, and Monday I will accept the offer. 

I will be working on the Protein and Cell Sciences team at EMD Serono, purifying and analyzing antibodies to be used in the development of treatments for cancer and other diseases.  And I am so beyond excited.

My plan did not work.  God was not there to answer my prayers.  Yet he did.  He answered them in a better way than I could have ever hoped for.

I fly back to Alaska on May 7th.  I will be home for 20 days visiting family and celebrating my brother’s graduation.  Then on May 27th I will go to camp.  I will work at camp until July 7th and then return to Boston.  Then on July 9th I start my job at EMD Serono.

Camp is probably the best thing that ever happened to life, and I get to be a part of it again this summer.  If I had gotten the job in Alaska I would not have been able to be a counselor this summer.  As it is, I get some time at home, then get over a month at camp, then get to come back to Boston and live with my friends and work at an amazing company and help LECM and SCFG grow. 

Thank you God, for unanswered prayers.

Sometime in middle school the pastor at my church gave a sermon, “God has three answers.”  That sermon stuck with me for some reason, and all too often I see it reflected in my life. 

God has three answers:
1) Yes
2) Wait
3) I have a better way

God doesn’t say no.  God never says no.  God answers all prayers.

God answers all prayers, but not necessarily in the way that you think they should be answered.  Sometimes I am blinded to God’s plan and try to work out my plan for myself.  Then God steps in, and works everything out in a way I had never even imagined.  Some of God’s greatest gifts truly are, unanswered prayers.