
"And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight to help you determine what is best, so that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless, having produced the harvest of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God." -- Philippians 1:9-11

Thursday, May 17, 2012


A Petition for the Approval of Linnea being able to go to Fairbanks

Submitted by Emily Ripley, Valerie Schleich, and Katherine Parker
                        With the support of Rachel Kennedy
                        On behalf of Linnea Holbrook

            AA (awesomeness and attractiveness) Resolution 2012-05A
                        Approved by the Commission:  5/16/12
                        First reading to Mr. Holbrook:  5/17/12
                        Effective Time Period:  5/21/12 – 5/23/12

WHEREAS over 15 years of acquaintance and camaraderie have formed an unbreakable bond of friendship that is sure to last for eternity,

WHEREAS this bond requires nurture and care to maintain its valuable status,

WHEREAS time spent with friends is the best way to nurture said bond,

WHEREAS due to the hard work of the aforementioned party members pursuing professional development and education including but not limited to doctors, nurses, entrepreneurs, and teachers, time spent with “the gang” has been cut short,

WHEREAS summer is a special time of year reserved for fun and friends, and while work is necessary and important, fun must be taken seriously as well,

WHEREAS summer presents, in its true form, a time to reconnect with old friends and create new memories,

WHEREAS next Monday – Wednesday would be a positively perfect time for that,

WHEREAS Calvin and Hobbes would agree,

WHEREAS there is no charge for Awesomeness or Attractiveness,

WHEREAS Linnea is made of pure Awesome, and is extremely Attractive,

WHEREAS if Linnea were to miss out on the opportunity to go to Fairbanks, the adventure would be seriously lacking in both Awesome and Attractiveness,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Linnea Holbrook be permitted to travel to Fairbanks on May 21st 2012 and return on May 23rd 2012 to enjoy a much needed and deserved vacation with her friends.

Thank you for your consideration,
            Emily Ripley, Valerie Schleich, Katherine Parker, and Rachel Kennedy

1 comment:

  1. This is probably the best resolution I have ever read, and we've read a lot!!
