
"And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight to help you determine what is best, so that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless, having produced the harvest of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God." -- Philippians 1:9-11

Sunday, May 27, 2012

April showers bring May SASS*

Awesome Things:
1) Flying home!!
2) Family visiting – Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt, and Uncle!
3) Homemade ice cream – Toasted Coconut, Blueberry Cream and Coffee
4) Beautifully warm weather in Fairbanks
5) Seeing Baruch and Linnea and Valerie and Emily and Meghan and Rachel and Courtney and Katherine and all the rest of my wonderful friends
6) Christ First United Methodist Church

Notsome Things:
1) Freezing cold track meets
2) Headaches
3) Tension
4) Too little time in Alaska for friends and family
5) Mosquitoes
6) I cut my finger while dicing potatoes at the Soup Kitchen

Awesome Things:
1) Watching my brother kick butt at said freezing cold track meets
2) My Dad’s cooking
3) Country music
4) Wasilla Girls winning State Track
5) Playing the guitar around a campfire, singing along, and listening to the rain fall softly through the trees
6) CAMP!

*Because this is Alaska… So no flowers till at least mid June.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


A Petition for the Approval of Linnea being able to go to Fairbanks

Submitted by Emily Ripley, Valerie Schleich, and Katherine Parker
                        With the support of Rachel Kennedy
                        On behalf of Linnea Holbrook

            AA (awesomeness and attractiveness) Resolution 2012-05A
                        Approved by the Commission:  5/16/12
                        First reading to Mr. Holbrook:  5/17/12
                        Effective Time Period:  5/21/12 – 5/23/12

WHEREAS over 15 years of acquaintance and camaraderie have formed an unbreakable bond of friendship that is sure to last for eternity,

WHEREAS this bond requires nurture and care to maintain its valuable status,

WHEREAS time spent with friends is the best way to nurture said bond,

WHEREAS due to the hard work of the aforementioned party members pursuing professional development and education including but not limited to doctors, nurses, entrepreneurs, and teachers, time spent with “the gang” has been cut short,

WHEREAS summer is a special time of year reserved for fun and friends, and while work is necessary and important, fun must be taken seriously as well,

WHEREAS summer presents, in its true form, a time to reconnect with old friends and create new memories,

WHEREAS next Monday – Wednesday would be a positively perfect time for that,

WHEREAS Calvin and Hobbes would agree,

WHEREAS there is no charge for Awesomeness or Attractiveness,

WHEREAS Linnea is made of pure Awesome, and is extremely Attractive,

WHEREAS if Linnea were to miss out on the opportunity to go to Fairbanks, the adventure would be seriously lacking in both Awesome and Attractiveness,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Linnea Holbrook be permitted to travel to Fairbanks on May 21st 2012 and return on May 23rd 2012 to enjoy a much needed and deserved vacation with her friends.

Thank you for your consideration,
            Emily Ripley, Valerie Schleich, Katherine Parker, and Rachel Kennedy

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


“Legends say that hummingbirds float free of time, carrying our hopes for love, joy, and celebration.  The hummingbird’s delicate grace reminds us that life is rich, beauty is everywhere, every personal connection has meaning, and that laughter is life’s sweetest creation.”

Happy Dog remains in many of my childhood memories.  Yes, I had a dog named Happy.  I’m not entirely sure where her name originated, but I am sure that she was well loved.  Happy was our Lassie dog.  She returned our love with a furiously wagging tail and wet kiss, and crossed her paws like a proper lady.  This post has little more to do with her than this introduction, and only relates because her name is the focal point of my rambling conscience this evening.

I wonder why some people are just generally happier than others.  Why do some people always seem to be having the time of their life, while others are constantly stuck in despair?  What is it that makes life so much more enjoyable for some, and so much more miserable for others?  Why can certain people, even while in a rut of hopelessness, still find pleasures in everyday life, while others wallow in self-pity even in fortunate situations?

I made a Happy Flow-Chart on my wall some time ago.  A friend came in to my room last week and told me it was flawed.  “Why would anyone choose to not be happy?” he asked me.  I told him it was to indicate that to some extent happiness was a choice, and if you are not happy then you have a decision to try to alter your situation.  He argued that no one would actively make the decision to remain unhappy, thus there was no reason for the entire right side of the chart.*

Well that got me thinking.  Why are some people so unhappy all the time?  Why do I see posts about how miserable life is every time I get on Facebook?  I want to help, I want to help desperately.  I want to bring happiness to my distressed friends.  But it seems like no matter what I do, even if I can bring joy for a moment, it is still just a moment.  No lingering elation to carry through the week.  Just a fleeting glimpse of a smile before it disappears again. 

I like chocolate.  A lot.  I also like Dove and their inspirational quotes on the inside of their chocolate wrappers.  I got one at some point this semester that said, “Happiness is a form of courage.” and while packing up my room came upon it again.  Evidently when I found it the first time I agreed so much as to keep a tiny piece of tin foil.  When I found it the second time I agreed so much as to write an entire post about it.  It must be pretty good advice.

Happiness is a form of courage.  It takes courage to wake up every morning and have a good day.  It takes courage to embrace the situation and smile, even when every part of your body is scared as hell as to what the day may bring.  It is not easy by any means.  For anyone.

I think C.S. Lewis also had some good advice on this topic.  “Affection is responsible for 9/10ths whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives.”

The relationships that we develop through life ultimately are what bring us joy.  I think of all the fun things that I like to do: hiking, running, playing the guitar, etc.  I enjoy all of those activities, and I enjoy them even more when done along side a good friend or family member.  Don’t get me wrong, I treasure my “me” time, and long runs by myself are often the highlight of my day, but there is something special about an experience with someone else.

I think with this comes the advice to not take life too seriously.  It is important to work hard, get a good job, and take care of your responsibilities… But that needs to be balanced with a good amount of fun, and fun with people at that.  Calvin and Hobbes have it right when Calvin is contemplating how to spend the rest of his afternoon.  He says, “In the SHORT term, it would make me happy to go play outside.  In the LONG term, it would make me happier to do well at school and become successful…  But in the VERY long term, I know which will make better memories.”  The strip ends with Calvin and Hobbes sledding off into the distance.  I’m not agreeing with the pretentious 6 year old because I hate school and just want to play Calvinball all day… I think he’s actually on to something.

Happy Dog had it right.  She didn’t worry, she didn’t fear the day.  She woke up ready, full of courage to love, be loved, and have fun. 

Tomorrow, I will wake up like Happy.

*In my opinion, I won that argument

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Waiting.  Waiting.  Waiting.
Waiting for home, but the journey is long.
I cannot escape the concrete jungle fast enough.
And still.

Finally.  I’m moving.
Pulled forward by yearning, yet pushed back by forces determined to keep me tied.
The ground begins to fade as I ascend into the mist.
The colors blur and all is white.

How long?
How long must I remain suspended in this bleak cacophony?
With no direction, no dimension…
I continue to rise.

A trace of gold appears, then is wisped away.
The golden warmth emerges radiantly from above.

Suddenly all is clear.
The sea of rolling white extends to infinity.
And light floods in renewing hope!
But I am still chasing rainbows.

I descend.
Welcomed by the Great One in all her majesty.
Knowing I am home.
Knowing I am loved.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

April SASS

I apologize for the delayed post!

Awesome Things:
2) I’m done with Organic Chemistry forever*
3) New directions with LECM
4) I got a CO-OP working on the Protein and Cell Sciences team at EMD Serono
5) Everybody Loves Science (the final event for Science Club for Girls)

Notsome Things:
1) Finals – this is awesome in the sense that they are now FINISHED, but during that week they were definitely NOT over
2) Saying goodbye to friends
3) Studying inside when it is glorious outside
4) I miss my brother
5) Having to watch friends suffer and not being able to help

Awesome Things:
1) Palm Sunday and Easter
2) We won Frisbee sectionals
3) Seeing old friends and going on fun excursions with them
4) Ring Around the Neck
5) I volunteered over 450 hours this year

*Watch that statement bite me in the butt ten years from now when it becomes my career.