
"And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight to help you determine what is best, so that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless, having produced the harvest of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God." -- Philippians 1:9-11

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Our God is an awesome God. 
He reigns, from heaven above with Wisdom, Power and Strength. 
Our God is an awesome God.

I spent last week at Birchwood Camp.  I’ve been to Birchwood Camp many times before, but this was my first time there as a counselor!  Not only did I grow in my faith, but I got to help and watch as the campers progressed and learned through Wonder, Gratitude, Hospitality, Generosity, Worship, and Love. 

The theme of the week was “Got Spirit?”  Each day we read a passage of scripture, and discussed something that related to it (that was vague, sorry).

Day 1: Wonder: Psalm 8
“O LORD, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth!”
I think this was one of my favorite days of the week (ok, they were all my favorite, but I REALLY liked this one!).  Wonder is, for me, one of the biggest things that makes God real.  God is here, among us, and we know this by simply opening our eyes to His creation.  I am blessed to have grown up in Alaska; all I have to do is look out my bedroom window to see the Wonder of God’s creation.  This theme struck me all week.  Being outdoors, by the lake, surrounded by mountains and trees…  We lose some intrinsic value of life when focusing on man made items instead of being out enjoying the fresh, sweet air.

Day 2: Gratitude and Hospitality: Luke 17:11-19 and 24:13-35
“Get up and go on your way; your faith has made you well.”
These two themes are so important every day.  My favorite part of this day came during morning small group time.  We were discussing how you have to notice before you can be grateful or hospitable; you can’t merely look, you have to see.  Ironically this came back throughout the week in many ways which I won’t get into here.  Just know that God is always there, working, we just have to take notice and act.

Day 3: Generosity: 1 Corinthians 12:1-26
“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit.”
Here we focused mostly on how generous God is with us, which is something that I hadn’t previously put a whole lot of thought into, and turns out it’s a good thing to think about.  Each is given different gifts, some the gift of wisdom, others knowledge, faith, healing, and so on.  Initially this makes me want to go “Wow! Thanks God!  You didn’t have to give me anything but you did!  I’m so lucky!”  And I am.  And that’s a good thing to keep in mind.  But this also gives me an appreciation for each and every soul on earth.  “To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.”  And this really is something special.

Day 4: Worship: Psalm 96
“O sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth.  Sing to the LORD, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day.  Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all peoples.  For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised.”
You know that warm tingly feeling?  And as it grows your whole heart fills up and it bursts right out of your chest?  And you want to shout from the mountaintops PRAISE GOD!?  That’s Worship.  I want to write SO much about this, but honestly, I’m speechless.

Day 5: Love: John 15:1-17
“And this is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.”
Sometimes it feels unfair.  How God?  How!?  How can I possibly love as you have loved me, so perfectly?  I’m comforted later in verse 16: “You did not choose me but I chose you.”  Jesus said “I. Chose. You.”  And His love flows through me.  I was incapable, but God chose me.

The week was a challenge not gonna lie.  There are parts of it I look back on that make me want to cry.  There are parts I remember that fill me with pure joy.  There are people whose friendships I will carry with me for the rest of my life, and others who I hope I have steered in the right direction.  I am so thankful that God is in control.

I have to mention this, because it’s just too good not to.  As a camper years ago, the counselors were the coolest people on the planet.  They had ALL the answers to EVERYTHING!  I figured they’d had some special training or something to make them so smart.  So now I’m a counselor.  And I don’t know nothin’!  But I pretend I do!  And they all believe me!  (Don’t get too worried here; I’m not like lying to all the kids or anything.  I answer their questions as best I can, and if it’s beyond my reach I find someone who does know the answer: GOD!)  It’s fun sometimes to have the roles reversed.

That’s it I think for now.  I’m going back to Birchwood to be a counselor at MAD (Music and Drama) Camp in two weeks and am looking forward to that immensely. 

Thank you God.
From Lower Reed Lake in Hatcher's Pass, Alaska

1 comment:

  1. What an uplifting experience! It sounds like you had a wonderful time!
