
"And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight to help you determine what is best, so that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless, having produced the harvest of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God." -- Philippians 1:9-11

Friday, March 23, 2012

Me time

Oh my, it’s been a busy few weeks, and I have a feeling the spring pick up is just beginning (which is ironic, since it’s basically summer already – not helping my issue of getting things done).  Anywho, it has been a while since I wrote about the happenings in my life and I’ve come to the realization recently that journaling (in the form of my daily devotional or blog) is an integral part of my life and I have been slacking in both areas and believe a revamp is necessary (blog slacking is not as extreme as devotional slacking – but this is hoped to be remedied because I got a new journal*!! And the reason I stopped journaling in the first place was because my old journal got filled, so this new journal was actually a necessity and not an “oh pretty journal!” moment).  Whew.  Glad I got that out of my system.  Even when life gets busy, it’s important to take time for yourself.  For me, that time comes in blogging and journaling, even if it seems trivial and I have more important things on my to-do list (I just totally justified this post even though I have an essay due tomorrow that has yet to be started).

It’s hard for me to pause from the go-go-go and take a break for me.  But this time is extremely important.  It’s my centering time, my God time, my mental rest time.  I enjoy being involved in the Northeastern and Boston Community, but finding that balance between doing too much and not doing enough has never been one of my strong points.  Now with the end of the semester approaching it will be even harder, and I’m challenging myself this year to not get too overwhelmed and too caught up in the little things.

Well, while I love writing and would much rather continue this post, physics, organic chemistry, and health reform are all calling my name and causing quite a ruckus.  So I will go now, refreshed from this short break, and tackle some assignments so that tomorrow I may take a break in the sun again.

Side note, I’ve gone back recently and reread some of the posts I wrote last year, and have concluded two things.  1) I’m a goof (and a nerdy goof at that), and 2) Some of what I wrote is surprisingly thoughtful and well written (yay!).

Happy Friday Everyone!

*My journal is called “When God Thinks of You He Smiles” – I thought it would be good for me at this stage in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm doing this now, too (that is, writing introspectively)!! Good luck!
