
"And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight to help you determine what is best, so that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless, having produced the harvest of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God." -- Philippians 1:9-11

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


My last two weekends here I have spent out of the jurisdiction of Boston and somewhere near or around the area of Fitchburg, MA.  I like this town for three reasons. 1) Heather lives there. 2) It’s not Boston. 3) Heather lives there.

Last weekend I went in for the Apple Harvest Ramble in Harvard, MA.  It’s kind of a long, convoluted story of why/how we went to this event, but basically consists of my suitemate signed us up for a race thinking it was Harvard-across-the-river-University, but it was actually Harvard-across-the-state-Town.  So not wanting to forfeit a good race and a free tee shirt, I came out and ran the 5-miler with Heather instead.  And I got second place in my age category! And Heather got first place in her age category!  And we both won an apple pie* and got a sweet synthetic long-sleeve tee shirt!  So yeah, basically this translates to a very good weekend.

Apple pie and awesome tee shirt!

This weekend I came out to Fitchburg again to go white water rafting in Deerfield, MA!  Despite being the 9th of October it was a sunny day and a balmy 80 degrees.  The river twisted through hills blanketed in trees showing off the vibrant colors of fall.  The sun streamed through overhanging branches, dancing on the turbulent water, and graciously warming my skin.  The refreshing water doused me from head to toe as we maneuvered through rapids, splashed each other’s boats, and (intentionally – for the most part) jumped in.  So yeah, basically this translates to a VERY good weekend.

All ready to go in our wet suits!

*How come all races don’t give out apple pies?  Who needs a ribbon anyway!


  1. You guys are awesome! And I agree with the apple pie comment, thats the only prize you need!!
