
"And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight to help you determine what is best, so that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless, having produced the harvest of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God." -- Philippians 1:9-11

Sunday, June 15, 2014

5/8/14 -- Shelf Road

Dear Troy,

This morning Emily and I left for Shelf Road after first stopping at your mom’s house to pick up the Shelf Road Guide Book.  Your mom is really looking forward to having you and Justin home to help her unpack boxes.  Unfortunately Dakota wasn’t at the front door, so the only kisses I’ve gotten today were from Emily.
We are off!

We made good time on the drive down with Emily sleeping most of the way.  The washboard on Shelf Road woke her up just before we arrived.  We are camping at the Bank Campground and are in the same spot you and I camped in a couple years ago.  Emily and I climbed two routes today before heading back to the campsite.  Emily did a great job leading her first sport route outdoors (the 5.5 we climbed and re-climbed after forgetting to un-knot the rope before we pulled it).  By the second route, we had experienced sun, rain, graupel, and thunder, with the weather only looking worse.  Of course, as we walked back up the road, the sun came back out.  Oh well, such is life in Colorado during spring.

All ready with the gear!

Potential climbing walls

Spider man

A determined tree

Emily's fingers were cold...

We managed to gather some firewood for a campfire.  I’m not sure Emily quite understands how dry it is here; she wanted an “Alaska-sized” fire, and brought back a log the size of a small tree.  This was not burned.  I thought our campfire was sufficiently sized; Emily described it as “cute.”  Either way it warmed us up and made two delicious s’mores and the forest nearby is still standing.

For dinner we had Santa Fe peas (basically Santa Fe chicken soup with a 4 serving bag of peas added for good measure).  It was probably even gluten free.  Emily was wise to recommend we use the partial propane canister first.  Somehow it still had fuel even though it was probably older than me.

Tomorrow we are headed to the Sand Dunes.  Hopefully Emily can manage to stay awake, as it is her turn to drive.  Tell your mom Happy Mother’s Day.  We will try to crash on your couch the Sunday before Memorial Day on our trip back to Colorado.


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