
"And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight to help you determine what is best, so that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless, having produced the harvest of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God." -- Philippians 1:9-11

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Day 7: Path

I had a discussion last night about the concept of pre-determination, and more broadly, the concept that our lives are each set on a defined path.  We discussed how free will fit into the equation, and struggled with combining the two seemingly opposites.  We didn’t come to any conclusions, and I’m sure this concept will be revisited when I start divinity school.  One thing I do know, we are on a journey, and we don’t know where life will take us around the bend.

This picture is from a hike with friends up Pioneer Peak in Alaska.  We had been following the path for hours, up and up and up.  And then up.  And then up some more.  The whole time I had been ‘encouraging’ them on, saying that we were close to the ridge.  “Just over the next bump!”  (The ridge was a significant point, like half way maybe).  Eventually it became like the boy who cried wolf, and no one believed that I had any idea where we were.

Finally, and I mean finally, we made it to the ‘ridge,’ and stopped to take a picture (below).  We had reached a flat expanse, with snow spreading in all directions and a thick fog that obscured any other features.  A path of footprints ventured forwards. 

About at this point I stopped, and exclaimed that we needed to veer right.  I proposed that we move off the path, and walk right into the abyss.  Of course, they thought I was insane. 

We may not know what path we are on, and we may not know where this path leads.  We may not know if we are on the “right” path, or if one decision will change the direction of our path.  Wherever we are though, God will be walking with us.  It takes trust, and confidence to walk forward with (literally) the peace that passes understanding.  Knowing that God is with us, through each and every obstacle we face, success we celebrate, and decision that we make, regardless of where we are on this path we call life.

P.S.  We made it to the top of Pioneer Peak that day.  To the right, and up and and up and up!

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