
"And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight to help you determine what is best, so that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless, having produced the harvest of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God." -- Philippians 1:9-11

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A series of events*

I actually began this list a few days ago, but life got in the way of finishing, so here’s a recap of the significant** events in my life over the past week.

Registering for classes

For those of you who have never done this, let me tell you, it is NOT something you should be looking forward to.  Essentially, you are given a time slot to register based off of (theoretically) the number of credits you already have.  So I, having more credits than a typical freshman yet less than an average sophomore, get to register right in between these two groups at 10:30 on Thursday morning.  Since I’m a declared biology major, and a freshmen, I’m already seeded into some of my classes, however because of AP credits some of those classes need to be dropped.  So at the beginning of the week I figure out what I want to take next semester, sort out my schedule, and decide where the rest of my life will go***.  However all those seniors and juniors and middlers**** and real sophomores and super crazy freshmen with even more AP credit than me***** get to register before I do.  So I spend the week watching the classes I want to get into slowly fill up, and I hope and pray that at least 1 slot stays open so that I don’t have to go through that entire process of making decisions all over again and fit them all into a week that can’t possibly have enough time in it.  Then the day comes when I actually get to register, albeit right in the middle of my chemistry class.  So there I am, fervently refreshing my browser every 10 seconds so I can get on at the EXACT second it will allow.  And finally it pops up and I can enter my changes to my schedule in and hit submit.  This is the scary part.  Because you don’t know if you made some itsy-bitsy error and messed the whole thing up, and you don’t know if in the time it took for you to enter in all the changes something filled up, so not only does it not let you into a class but it drops a different class you need and now you’re screwed out of chemistry altogether******.  So needless to say, I was a little nervous.  Of course I got the screen telling me I’d made a mistake, though thankfully I didn’t mess it up too bad.  I was able to fix it and eventually get into all but one of the classes I wanted.  My schedule for next year is as follows:
            General Chemistry 2
            Lab for General Chemistry 2
            Recitation for General Chemistry 2
            Honors Calculus and Differential Equations – Biology 2
            Genetics and Molecular Biology
            Honors Lab for Genetics and Molecular Biology
            Introduction to Experimental Learning
            Enhancing Honors – Science, Technology, and Human Values
            Financial Accounting*******

Barnacle enslaves crab

Yup you read that right.  That is the title of my biology project.  Now, without going into too much detail, essentially it’s about how barnacles of the genus Sacculina parasitize crabs by entering through the crab’s abdomen and laying eggs where the crab typically has her own egg sack.  The crab then cares for the barnacle’s eggs and becomes the life source for the barnacle.  This project however does not simply focus on the biology of what’s happening, no.  It focuses on the evolution of this behavior.  How many papers are out there on this topic??  NOT. MANY.  So we’re pretty much making it up and hypothesizing ourselves (which I think it actually another point of the project.)  Anywho, we have found a couple articles to help us out, so I set out to actually acquire them.  The first article was in some scientific journal in the library.  After much difficulty in learning how to use the call numbers and locate the book, and then realizing that in the 280 some volumes I wasn’t going to be able to find the 10 pages I needed very easily, I was saved by the fact that THE ENTIRE JOURNAL WAS IN GERMAN!  I was disappointed however.  A journal in German really doesn’t help me.  The other article I needed I requested to be sent electronically to me.  The next day I was surprised to see an email informing me that I should be able to access it.  Sure enough I could, however my excitement was deflated by the fact that EVERY OTHER PAGE WAS UPSIDE DOWN.  Ridiculous.


Being sick really puts a damper on things.  I am now thankfully getting over that cold or whatever it was, but for a few days there it pretty much seemed like life sucked.  I was supposed to volunteer Friday, and even though I felt horrible I went anyway.  It turned out ok, but on the way home I really wasn’t feeling too great.  Then I remembered that I might have a package.  So I stopped by the post office and low-and-behold I had TWO packages.  This brightened my day considerably; apples and mangoes from my mom and gingersnap and no-bake cookies from my grandma.  Sounds about right!

Science Club for Girls

This is where I’m volunteering.  I love volunteering.  This however has not been the experience I had hoped for.  I signed up with the intent of being a “Science Mentor,” teaching girls in elementary schools about science and careers in the science field.  This is not my job.  I am an assistant site manager at the Amigos school and at the Northeastern site.  I help with set up and take down and organizational stuff.  This week both sites gave me all of the registration info of all the students there and had me enter the info into a computer database.  7 hours later… I emerged, significantly behind in studying/homework, and completely brain fried from mundane boredom.  This was made slightly better by the fact that we played with dry ice that week, and after the club Maureen and I went down to where they threw the left over out and brought it back up to the room to play with it.  Ah, some things never get old.

The rest of my week was devoted to either an essay or studying.  I finished the essay, (still haven’t gotten it back yet) took a math test (think I did ok on that one) and took a biology test (yikes…we’ll see).  Hopefully all turns out all right.  Today in biology we watched a movie.  “The Science of Sex.”  I’m just gonna leave it at that.

I counted today.  There are 15 days of actual school left.  On one hand: yeah! On the other: crap… 

And now consider yourself informed.

*Neither fortunate nor unfortunate.


***Not really, but with the amount of pressure associated with this I may as well be making those decisions.

****We’re on a 5-year program here at Northeaster, so that’s what they call that extra year.

*****I didn’t know that was even possible.  Kudos to them.

******You have to have a chemistry class, lab, and recitation all registered at the same time.  And if one of them doesn’t fit, it drops them all.  And getting back into an already overbooked class after you accidentally dropped it is just about darn near impossible.

*******This was the one thing that didn’t work out.  Instead of getting into the one section of this class for non-business majors, I am enrolled in the online class, which now that I’ve looked into it a little more, doesn’t look that bad and functions pretty much the same as a regular class.

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